Park Cleanups & Curb Appeal
Got a green thumb? Help us plant flowers and trees in parks throughout Pontiac. From our annual spring plantings at Beaudette Park to building pristine shorelines at Hawthrone Lakeside and Galloway Lake Parks, you can make a difference!

Pontiac Champions Breakfast
The Friends of the Pontiac Parks Association holds an annual fundraising event known as the Pontiac Champions Breakfast. This breakfast allows for community engagement and funds our park cleanups.

Here at FOPPA, our primary goal is to ensure that our parks are enjoyed by all. With the help of our volunteers, we repaint, remulch, and restore parks that need a little love so they can continue being great assets to the community. Join us this spring and summer with a group or organization to beautify Pontiac one park at a time!

Parks Alive
There are two integral parts of our Parks Alive program. We have Parks Alive Champions who are individuals dedicated to supporting their neighborhood parks. And we have Parks Alive Champions Groups who commit to planning and sponsoring at least one park cleanup, enhancement, and neighborhood event each year.